
Learn more about Indonesia Lawyer Services

Indonesia has demonstrated remarkable resilience in recent years, thanks to a robust growth strategy based on three pillars: political and social stability, economic interventionism, and international expansion. The country is strategically located in the heart of the Asia Pacific Rim, surrounded by numerous other ASEAN members. Indonesia has emerged as a popular location for company expansion, particularly due to its large market size and dynamic economy. Themis Partner, with its strong presence in Southeast Asia, is well-positioned to help businesses navigate this rising economic powerhouse. Our team of international lawyers has extensive experience assisting Indonesian and international clients on direct investments, wholly foreign-owned companies, mergers & acquisitions, and a wide range of commercial transactions. .

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When should you call a lawyer?

A lawyer is required in the following situations:

You're in well over your head

This is more of an emotional decision made because you don’t feel comfortable portraying yourself. The level of comfort varies according to factors such as how much you know about the area of law, how much information is readily available, how much effort you are willing to put into educating yourself, how well you understand legal terms and concepts.

Your opponent has a lawyer

If you try to go up against an attorney defending your opponent, you will be at a disadvantage.

You might end up losing a lot of money

Find a lawyer if you stand to lose a lot of money in a case.

A contract is required

It is critical that you comprehend the terms of any contract that you are asked to sign. Consult a lawyer if you don’t comprehend the terms or how to draft a contract.

Complex business issues

Hire a lawyer if you require a sophisticated company structure (many businesses), have complex tax issues, need to file for a patent, or become embroiled in litigation.

Bodily harm involved

The most obvious scenario is a car accident, but it might also include someone being bitten by your dog or being wounded on your property, or injuries caused by a defective product. Even if you have vehicle or homeowners insurance, you should still see a lawyer. If you or a family member has been hurt and it looks that you have a valid claim, most personal injury attorneys will not charge you a fee and will instead collect money from the verdict.

You wish to carry out complete estate planning

Without the assistance of a lawyer, you may draft a simple will, power of attorney, living will, or even a rudimentary living trust. However, you must be certain that you understand what you are doing. It is especially crucial to consult with a lawyer if there is a large estate, tax concerns, or a sophisticated or elaborate distribution plan.

What legal services do our lawyers provide?

At Themis Partner, we define success based on our clients’ key performance indicators (KPIs). Our attorneys are dedicated to providing unparalleled client service and high-quality legal counsel. We are friendly and proactive, providing practical solutions and excellent advice. We are continuously conscious of the fact that we must earn our reputation by delivering results that speak for themselves.

Our lawyers are acclaimed by their peers, recognized by industry endorsements, and recognised by major appointments to bar associations and the court system as a developing, full-service law practice of diverse and dedicated legal professionals. The most important thing to us, though, is the respect we have earned from our customers. Every customer is important, from large corporations to small and developing businesses to government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individuals.

We promise the following:

1. A Long-Term Partnership: We make it our business to learn about your firm and, more importantly, your business style. We build centuries-long relationships by investing in each client’s success and cooperating with you to achieve your business goals.

2. Personalized Service: We treat each customer as if they are our only client, aggressively sharing our business and legal skills to solve your most tough and challenging legal issues. In terms of responsiveness and reaction speed, we are committed to providing you with great customer service.

3. Seamless Representation: We bring together the best teams from many markets to give our customers tailored legal solutions, no matter where their businesses take them. To keep you informed and engaged, our attorneys employ cutting-edge technology and communication strategies throughout the firm.

4. Forward-Thinking Leaders: As a company, we strive to constantly adapt by implementing creative and intelligent best practices while ensuring that our underlying ideals affect how we engage with others and who we hire.

5. Cost-Effective Services: We work with you to provide high-quality legal advice at the lowest possible cost and in the quickest possible time. Our company enables numerous fee agreements and risk-reward options in order to retain financial predictability and responsibility.

Do I need a lawyer to do business in Indonesia?

Doing business in Indonesia involves navigating complex legal and regulatory landscapes, which can be challenging, especially for foreign businesses. While it’s not mandatory to have a lawyer, it’s highly recommended. A lawyer can provide valuable guidance on direct investments, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory compliance, and a wide range of commercial transactions. They can help handle Indonesia’s regulatory bureaucracy while capitalizing on new economic reform opportunities. Lawyers can also assist in ensuring compliance with tax laws, resolving labor disputes, and handling contract disputes. Therefore, having a lawyer can be beneficial in protecting your interests and ensuring smooth business operations in Indonesia.

What do our lawyers specialize in?

When a conflict arises, our highly competent and educated litigators ensure that complaints are resolved and our clients’ rights are honored. Our lawyers have substantial courtroom and mediation experience, providing additional assurance that the legal strategy chosen will minimize legal risk while increasing potential.

1. Corporate Lawyers

In addition to negotiating the legal landscape of the specific business, a corporate lawyer may advise you on the legislation you should be aware of. Many international organizations have operations in Indonesia, allowing law firms and corporate lawyers to provide services to customers in Indonesia.

2. Property Lawyers

Property attorneys are tough to come by, and one must take caution when choosing a lawyer in India because these issues can be rather complicated. If you own property in India and are having legal problems, you should contact competent Property attorneys in Indonesia who can help you the best they can. Property lawyers in Indonesia are well-versed in all municipal legislation and guidelines, and they understand how to address these issues in courts and tribunals.

3. Criminal Lawyers

Criminal lawyers are well-versed before all forms of criminal matters filed in magistrate and sessions courts. When it comes to filing a criminal complaint, Indonesian lawyers might also be of aid.

4. Cyber Crime Lawyers

Everyone on the planet is concerned about cybercrime. As a result of this, Indonesia is also suffering, and numerous cybercrimes are being documented on a regular basis. Cyberlaw attorneys in Indonesia are experienced in assisting law enforcement agencies in apprehending criminals and assisting victims.

5. Divorce Lawyers

Divorce lawsuits are tough to file, and there are numerous aspects of divorce that you must be aware of before filing a lawsuit in court. An experienced Divorce Lawyer in Indonesia can assist you professionally explain the entire procedure as well as the complexity, as well as point out the effects of many factors that are relevant to you and your marital life.

What are the types of dispute resolutions in Indonesia?

1. Court Litigation

In Indonesia, the legal landscape for land recovery actions, recovering money secured by a mortgage or charge, and recovering revenues from the sale of land is as follows: Land recovery actions have a limitation period that starts from the day the right to sue accrues. The specific duration of this limitation period can vary, so it’s always recommended to consult with a local expert or legal advisor. The limitation period for recovering money secured by a mortgage or charge, or for recovering revenues from the sale of land, is similarly counted from the day the right to obtain the money accrued. In cases where an action is founded on the defendant’s deception, or the right of action is disguised by fraud, or the action is for relief from the consequences of a mistake, the limitation period begins when the claimant discovers the fraud or error, or could have discovered it with reasonable diligence.

2. Court proceedings

In Indonesia, court proceedings follow a civil law system. The process begins at the District Court level, can be appealed at the High Court, and further at the Supreme Court. Specialized courts also exist for specific matters. The initiation of a legal action starts with the plaintiff submitting a request to the District Court located in the defendant’s domicile. The e-Court system in Indonesia now allows for online submission and exchange of court documents as well as payment of court costs.

3. Final remedies

In significant business conflicts, the following types of relief are sought:

➤ Injonctions
➤ Profit and loss statements
➤ Damages
➤ Particular performance
➤ Punitive damages may be levied if the defendant engages in exceptionally egregious behavior

How does Indonesia court litigation work?

In Indonesia, court litigation is governed by a civil law system. The court system is administered by the Supreme Court, which is one of the institutions authorized to administer Indonesia’s judicial system. Under the authority of the Supreme Court, the courts of first instance are divided into general courts, religious courts, state administrative courts, and military courts. General courts adjudicate criminal and civil matters, comprising district courts as the courts of first instance, high courts as the appellate courts, and the Supreme Court as the court of cassation and the highest judicial authority.

The Indonesian Civil Court is divided into several divisions:

➤ The Criminal Division
➤ Division of Civil Procedure
➤ Division of Commerce
➤ Division of Appeals and Special Powers
➤ Family Court

Depending on the nature of the issue, major business disputes are heard in either the Commercial Division or the Civil Division. Anyone admitted as an advocate or solicitor of the Indonesian Court and possessing a valid practicing certificate has the right to appear before that court. Please note that these are general guidelines and the specific regulations and procedures may vary.

What legal fee structures can be used?

In Indonesia, legal fee structures can vary and are often based on the complexity of the case, the experience of the lawyer, and the nature of the legal services provided. Hourly rates and task-based billing are common, but the specific rates are not set by legislation and can vary widely. Conditional or contingent fees, where the lawyer’s fee is dependent on the outcome of the case, are not commonly used in Indonesia.

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